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Appointment to AI Task Force

Partner Nelson Rosario has been appointed by the Illinois Supreme Court to serve on the newly created AI Task Force for the Illinois Judicial Conference, the body charged with strategically planning for the Judicial Branch. The AI Task Force will focus on issues related to Generative AI and the IL Judicial Branch. This important work will…

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Illinois State Bar Association AI Committee

Partner Nelson Rosario participated in the Illinois State Bar Association AI Committee that produced this Report to Illinois State Bar Association President Shawn Kasserman. The committee provided recommendations to deal with the impact of artificial intelligence in the practice of law. In particular, the following five recommendations were put forward. The future is ever changing,…

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Blockchain Lobby Groups

Politics has been the primary concern for the blockchain industry in 2023. The industry has been marred by scandals, indictments, and self-inflicted wounds. Elected officials around the USA and elsewhere have taken note and a variety of bills and regulatory actions have been discussed and proposed. In the spirit of the times, the following is a…

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The Advantages and Dangers of AI Chatbots

Partner Nelson M. Rosario has written an article for the Chicago Bar Association's magazine the Record on "The Advantages and Dangers of AI Chatbots." The essay defines what an AI chatbot is, why lawyers should care about them, and some of the advantages and disadvantages of AI chatbots lawyers need to be aware of.

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Making Music NFTs

Since Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have hit the mainstream, creators of all types have been looking for new and exciting ways to use this technology. One of the most promising applications of NFTs being explored is the implementation of music. Music is typically comprised of several separable parts, the sound recording (or phonorecord), the composition, and the…

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